Nia did pretty well on her first road trip. It's 250 miles to Lutsen. After we were north of Duluth, there was a big rain storm - thunder, lightening, and pouring rain! That slowed the drive down and Nia was cranky for about the last 45 minutes, but then, so were Mom and Dad. Once we got to Lutsen, Nia had a great time. She enjoyed going out to lunch at a restaurant on Lake Superior, going to the driving range, and hanging out with friends.
A little out of order... Amanda visited from New York City. Amanda has lots of experience with little girls (having 2 nieces of her own) and Nia had a lot of fun playing with Aunt Mandy. It was also nice for Mom! Dad and Nia had some quality time while Amanda and I went out to dinner!
Nia is now two months old. She went to the pediatrician today. Here are her stats: Height: 24 inches (95th percentile!) Weight: 10 pounds 12 ounces (50th percentile) She's really growing! She also had to get 5 shots - immunizations. She didn't like that very much : ( Luckily they were quick. She's holding her head up well for her age and vocalizing a lot these days.
Nia got to meet a lot of the Michigan crew while she was in Boston. We were all there for Laura & Sameer's wedding. Nia got to watch her first Michigan football game from a sport's bar in Boston with her Dad and the gang. By the end of the weekend Nia had decided that Dave was an OK guy, but it did take her awhile to warm up to him!
While in Boston, Nia got the chance to meet some of her mom's side of the family, including Great Grammie and Great Grandpa, Great Aunt Judy and Great Uncle Rob, and cousins Lisa, Henry, & Angela.
Nia was a great traveler - sleeping all the way to Boston on the plane. We packed a lot of stuff, not knowing what exactly we'd need. Dad did a good job carrying it all over!