Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Video - Fold up - November 12

This what you get when you combine silly with flexible

Video - Getting excited for the NYC Marathon - November 7

We went into the city to watch the NYC marathon. Before we braved the crowds, we stopped for some caffeine (pumpkin latte) and some sugar (cinnamon roll). Nia was excited and was dancing in her chair.

Video - Nia Skipping - November 2

Jack-o-lantern - October 31

Here is the result of the pumpkin carving earlier in the day.

Video - Halloween Parade - October 31

Nia had a good time dancing to the band after the parade.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Halloween Parade - October 31

The town of Irvington sponsors a Halloween Parade, which is more of march, because no one is actually watching the parade, everyone is marching in it. It ends at the school and there are goody bags for all the kids and a band. All around good family fun. Nia dressed up in her butterfly fairy costume and had a great time in the parade, eating goodies, and dancing to the band. She and Daddy thought it was a very tiring day!

Video - Pumpkin Carving - October 31

Pumpkin Carving - October 31

Nia and Daddy did a great job carving the pumpkin today.