Monday, September 19, 2011

Weekend with Nana & Grandfather - September 2

Mom and Dad went to Minneapolis for Patrick and Sarah's wedding this weekend and Nana and Grandfather came down to babysit. From the pictures, it appears that Nia kept Grandfather very busy with lots of games and also helped with the cooking. She also enjoyed walks with Nana and making cookies. In the last pictures Nia is listening to Grandfather's favorite book ...Harry Potter.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Narragansett, RI - August 23

We spent the rest of the week enjoying the beach and some relaxation. Nia had fun digging holes in the sand (and Sadie had fun sitting in them), and playing with seaweed. Good beach fun! Luckily the rental house had an outdoor shower so we could get the sand off before going inside!

Video - Playing Follow Nia - Newport, RI - August 21

Newport, RI - August 21

We took a morning trip to Newport, RI and went to the aquarium there and the park, both were right on the beach. It was beautiful.

Narragansett, RI - August 20

We took a family vacation for the week in Narragansett, RI. Joe, Camilla, and Rose came up to join us the first weekend. Nia had so much fun running around the house and going to beach with her friends. At the beach, she loved digging ...I think almost dug her way to China!