Sunday, December 29, 2013

Jack--o-Lantern - October 29

Daddy really out did himself this year with carving the jack-o-lantern.  What a good one!  Nia and Sadie designed it - you can tell by the eyelashes!

Jack--o-Lantern - October 29

Daddy really out did himself this year with carving the jack-o-lantern.  What a good one!  Nia and Sadie designed it - you can tell by the eyelashes!

Jack--o-Lantern - October 29

Daddy really out did himself this year with carving the jack-o-lantern.  What a good one!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Boo at the Zoo - October 26

The girls put on their Halloween costumes and ran all around Boo at the Zoo. 

Video - Boo at the Zoo 102713

Visit with Nana and Grandfather - October 26

Nia had fun rollerskating, going to the park, and sharing her scarecrow when Nana and Grandfather came down for a visit.

L2 Gymnastics New Uniforms

The Westchester Gymnastics Level 2 Team has new uniforms.

Video - Dance Dance Revolution with Camilla Fiordaliso - October 19

Camilla and Rosie came up for a visit and Nia and Camilla had a great time playing Dance Dance Revolution.

Dance Dance Revolution with Camilla 101913