Sunday, November 15, 2009

Apple Pie - November 8

After the zoo, Nia helped make her first apple pie, from the apples we picked a couple of weekends ago. Although Dad almost lost a finger helping with the peeler, everything turned out fine and the pie was delicious!

This is baby sign language for apple (holding your fist at your cheek and rotating it back and forth)

Videos from the Zoo - November 8

MN Zoo - November 8

We got some beautiful mild weather in Minneasota, so we took a trip to the zoo! Nia had fun seeing the animals, and also playing at the playground there.

Table and Chairs - November 1

Nia is enjoying coloring at her "new" table. This table was her Mom's and Auntie Lynne's when they were little!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween - October 30th

Nia was a Lobster for Halloween - in her costume made by her Nana. She celebrated on Friday by trick-or-treating at Mom's office, and then at her party at Kinderberry Hill. She had so much fun partying!

This is Nicole - one of Nia's Kinderberry teachers.

This is Amy. One of Nia's Kinderberry teachers.

Nia and her friend David.

15 month check up - October 24

Nia had her 15 month well check up. She weighs 20 pounds 4 ounces (10-25th percentile) and is 31 inches long (50-75th percentile). She got her flu shots (both seasonal and H1N1). She didn't like this visit to the doctor. She understands so much now, but definitely doesn't understand what happens at the doctor's office. She was scared : ( But she is a very healthy girl! We feel so blessed to have such a happy healthy 15 month old!

Stuffed Animals - October 24

Nia really loves her stuffed animals. She's sleeping on a big pile of them in this picture.
She is also potty training them!