Thursday, August 25, 2011

Grandma's Birthday - August 7

Grandma & Papa came to visit us and we celebrated Grandma's birthday with lunch out at the Cupcake Kitchen. Nia helped Grandma blow out the candle on her cupcake.

Bronx Zoo - July 30

We spent the day at the Bronx Zoo and the girls loved the Madagascar House and the Merry go Round.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Vids - July 24

Nia gets it - she's got the relaxing pose, she's got the focused look, she's got the goldfish crackers ...what else do you need to play vids with Daddy? It doesn't even matter that her controler doesn't actually control anything.

July Videos

Coming Soon

Nia is 3 - July 22

Nia is officially 3! She weighs 28 pounds and is 37 1/2 inches tall (25th percentile in weight and 50th percentile in height). 3 year olds can do sooooo much! Nia can "read" several of her favorite books (she has them memorized), including Curious George goes to the hospital, and The Cat in the Hat. She loves to dance, climb, swim, and read and she's starting to use scissors too!

Nia's 3rd Birthday Party - July 19

Nia is turning 3 years old this week! We celebrated by having a joint birthday party with Nia's friend Tobey, from nursery school. Nia invited all of her nursery school friends down to the park by the river (Matthiessen park) and had cake and playtime. It was a hot, humid day, but it was not too bad in the shade by the river and the kids had a great time!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Maine Videos

Coming soon

Swimming and Gardening in Maine - July 14-18

Nia enjoyed her Maine vacation. She spent some time each day swimming in the pond and she also enjoyed gardening with Grandfather. She was very careful not to step on any of the plants.

Visit to Maine - July 15

We made it safely up to Maine and had a great visit at Auntie Lynne's house playing in the stuffy room! Then we went to a rescue animal sanctuary and Nia had a great time seeing the monkeys, lions, a white tiger cub, and lots of other animals. And she loved feeding the goats!