Sunday, February 17, 2013

Blizzard - February 8

We've got a lot of snow and Nia had a great time playing and sledding in it.

Blizzard 020813

Bounce - January 20, 2013

We found a new place to play.  It's called Bounce.  The name says it all.

Video - Bounce 012013
Video - Bounce 2 012013

Happy Birthday Daddy - January 19

We made birthday brownies for Daddy.  Happy Birthday!

Four - January 13, 2013

Nia made a number 4 with Tinker Toys.  Which is appropriate, she pointed out, because she is four.

Arizona - December 30-January 3

Nia had a fun vacation.  She enjoyed going to the zoo and the Children's Museum.  She did lots of swimming in Grandma's & Papa's pool - she learned to swim without her floaties!  By the end of the week, she could swim the entire length of the pool without any floaties or help ...and back and forth ...and back and forth ...and back and forth.

Arizona - December 30

After Christmas, we took a trip out to Arizona to visit Grandma & Papa.  Nia was very helpful feeding and playing with Mazie & Blue, helping Grandma make appetizers for New Year's Eve, and loved her new rollerskates from Great Grandma Lee and Aunt Patty.

Christmas Continues - December 25

Christmas continued with lots of presents to open and getting the Leapster set up.

Video - Christmas presents

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Christmas Morning - December 25

Merry Christmas!
Santa has come and gone and Nia is one happy girl!  Santa left lots of art supplies and a castle and a dragon!

Christmas - Videos - December 25

Santa knew just what I wanted 122512

Dragon 122512

Leapster 122512

Balance Beam 122512

Balance Beam Continued 122512

Christmas Eve - December 24

It's almost Christmas and Nia can hardly wait!  After church, we all opened 1 present - new footie jammies!  How cute we'll be for Christmas day.  Nia put out cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer.  She is so excited she couldn't sit still while Daddy read The Night Before Christmas.  It even snowed a little bit for us!

Video links
Cookies for Santa
Running in our new jammies 122412