Saturday, September 15, 2012

Video - Dance Party - September 3

Dance Party 090312

Nana & Grandfather Babysit - August 25

Mommy and Daddy went out to Wyoming for Amanda's wedding, and Nana and Grandfather babysat while they were gone.  From the pictures, it appears that Nia was helpful with cooking and baking, and entertaining with her ballet routine.

Nia's braid - August 17

Mommy braided Nia's hair and we took some pictures so Nia could see how it looked.  She liked it.

Happy Birthday Mommy - August 10

Mommy and Daddy took the day off from work and we went to the aquarium in South Norwalk.  Nia touched the rays and sharks!  She also practice "sticking the landing" after jumping off the hippo during lunch (she's been watching the Olympics ...gymnastics especially).

Fairy Festival - August 5

The Fairy Festival was going on at the Botanical Gardens during our visit to Maine.  We had fun dressing up and running around the botanical gardens looking for fairy houses and playing games and even watched a puppet show.

Weekend in Maine - August 4

We went up to Maine for a long weekend and Nia did lots of "farm stuff", including picking potatoes with Grandfather.