Saturday, June 23, 2012

Slip n Slide - May 28

It's getting hot outside, so we broke out the sprinkler and the Slip n Slide.  Nia had a blast!  Daddy and Mommy did too ; )

Puzzle Wizzard - May 27

We were very impressed when Nia did this Dora puzzle all by herself.  She was proud too!

Animals & Acrobats - May 26

Nia hasn't run away to the circus yet, but we were a little worried b/c she really enjoyed animals and acrobats this year.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Nia gets a big owie - May 24

She fell, caught herself, but her friend behind her crashed into her and she got this big rug burn right on her eye.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Visit with Michigan Friends - April 21

Sameer, Dlo, and Bella hosted us, Mike & Hilary Kurhajetz, and Sarah and Patrick Lyon at their house in PA for the weekend.  Nia was a great guest and had fun playing with Bella and everyone, touring around Philly, and helping Dlo make pancakes in the morning.

Gymnastics - April 15

Nia is taking a gymnastics class and she loves it.  It was so fun to go and watch her.  She is strong and can hold the rings and swing all by herself, she's great at balancing on the beam, and jumping on the tumble track.

Happy 2nd Birthday Sadie - April 13

Nia helped Sadie celebrate her 2nd birthday, by making cupcakes, helping open presents, and playing in the new sandbox.  She enjoyed the birthday dinner with Sadie, Grandma, Papa, Uncle Brett, Ivana, Daddy, and Mommy.